Alfords Point Public School

Excellence, Innovation and Success in a Caring Environment

Telephone02 9543 0185

Respect & Responsibility

Students can identify what Respect and Responsibility looks like within the classroom and within the playground. Parents and students are encouraged to discuss what Respect and Responsibility looks like at home.

Respect and Responsibility
The values respect and responsibility are embedded in all teaching and learning in all classrooms across the school. Alfords Point Public School as a school community collaborated to develop a set of Exit Outcomes which elaborate what we want our students to know, understand, do and be like when they leave the school. One of our Exit Outcomes is "Be responsible citizens, showing respect and tolerance of others".
Two programs that emphasis Respect and Responsibility are Restorative Practice and Rock & Water.
Our School Core Discipline Code also strongly advocates respect and responsibility stating 

  • Be a responsible citizen and be helpful to everyone
  •  Respect and care for all people and property

We as a school community are about building positive relationships. Our values are your values. Students, staff and parents are valued and respected in our school community.
Student outcomes

  •  Be self directed and lifelong learners
  •  Know personal success
  •  Be responsible citizens
  •  Have a positive self esteem
  •  Have effective interpersonal skills